ICEBREAKER: Top 10 Sexy Video Game Babes  

Posted by Irie Rastafari in

Okay so much for the real things and lets break the ice starting with this cool article I found in Gamerce:


10. Lady - Devil May Cry - More Pics!


Using a customized missile launcher as her weapon of choice.

9. Morrigan - Dark Stalkers - More Pics!



8. Ada Wong - Resident Evil - More Pics!


A secret agent of Chinese heritage with a mysterious past.

7. Rayne - Blood Rayne - More Pics!


Killing enemies by straddling and sucking their blood.

6. Chun Li - Street Fighter - More Pics!


With endless strong lightning kicks makes her very sexy.

5. Cammy - Street Fighter - More Pics!


Nobody can rock the pigtails as sexy as her.


Happy Drooling! :D

This entry was posted on April 26, 2009 at Sunday, April 26, 2009 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


loved this post. :P
not for the pics, but for the collection..

May 19, 2009 at 6:42 AM

National Security has been using Microchip walkie-talkies for years now. These are the chips that you so called heard of. Its a headset implant. Half of America already has one where they put a microphone into your hand and a tiny speaker in your ear. The microphone is slightly larger than a grain of rice. I sent out a lot of emails about whats going on March 23. They use this to notify people having one of anything necessary while in real time. You know how they can listen in whenever using your cell phone, same concept except now they can talk back to you. Many people already know cell phones can be listened in on and have accepted that. Knowing this makes it easier for people to accept the microchip impant. All it really is, is a little pinch between your index finger and thumb. This system in a sense watches over society and keeps anyone a possible threat in check (without them knowing of course). Im not necessarily saying this is a good OR bad thing. I found out about this while traveling around the US seeing places ive always wanted to see. National security doesnt need to send agents to scout out whomever because they can have whomevers friends/acquaintances/anyone in the area do it for them. I found this out in January. I would have never said anything about this if someone just asked me or told me about this. WTF. Plus theres an Infrared camera aimed into my window. I keep getting texts or an email at the exact same time a vehicle passes by my window. So I started ignoring my texts and email. Please if you have a moment of time forward this message to as many people as possible and tell everyone you know about this micro chip walkie talkies. Im the whistleblower everyone keeps talking about, not by choice however. Ever since I found out about this they started using this tech to set me up for something. Im getting a LOT of pictures taken of me. Cars coming out of nowhere trying to film me looking at various cars or people. Im just trying to mind my own business. Going to work /coming back, going to wherever i need to go. They have been holding on to all this shit and continue to do so. So im going to honor the Freedom of Information Act and let you know this information.

February 3, 2020 at 8:10 PM

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